Want to skip a payment? Yes, it's possible!

Simple skip payment process request
Only $40 to skip a monthly loan payment
Schedule skip payment up to 3 months in advance
Up to 2 payment skips per loan per rolling 12 month period1

Life happens, and sometimes you need a little breathing room. Using Online Banking or the Mobile App, you can now skip your loan payment up to 2 times over a rolling 12 month period. Qualifying loans, like auto loans, personal loans and some other installment loans are eligible for payment skips.2 

Skip a Payment for Any Reason

Need a little extra for a vacation? Preparing for or recovering from the holidays? Skip a Payment can give you the extra financial room you need by allowing you to skip an upcoming eligible loan payment2.

The loan skip payment process is quick, easy and is available through Online Banking and the Mobile App. To make it simple, you will only see a skip payment offer if one or more of your loans qualifies.

Skip a Payment Gives You Choices

  • Skip up to 2 loan payments per rolling 12 month period per loan
  • Schedule your skip payments up to 3 months in advance
  • Pay a low skip processing fee instead of a full loan payment
  • $40 fee can come from your Savings or Checking account
  • Easy access through Mobile and Online Banking to request a skip payment anytime, anywhere

Easy to Qualify

  • Available on most loans3, except for mortgages and home equity loans
  • Make your skip request before the payment date
  • Two full payments within a 60-day period must be made on loan before any subsequent skips can occur
  • Loan must be in good standing and have at least 6 months of payments history before 1st skip may be requested

Have Questions on How to Get Started?

  • Need help getting started in Online or Mobile Banking?
  • Not sure if your loan qualifies?

Just give us a call at 800.462.4421, or visit your nearest Sharonview branch, and we can walk you through it.

1 Qualifying loans only. Loan must be in good standing. Loan must have at least 6 previous payments. Maximum 6 skips per life of the loan
2 Skipping a payment will extend the time it takes to repay your loan. Interest and any charges for optional MemberGuard coverage will continue to accrue on the loan during the month in which you skip your payment, and will be repaid from the next scheduled payment. Election of skip a payment may reduce the benefits available to you under any optional GAP coverage elected on this loan, and may extend the term of the loan beyond the number of months skipped. All credit terms applicable immediately prior to the skip period will again apply once the skip period has expired.
3 Mortgages and Home Equity, and Credit Cards do not qualify for the online skip-a-payment offering. Certain eligibility restrictions apply; contact for us details.

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