Ensuring transparency of all financial activity

The Supervisory Committee is responsible for ensuring that the financial condition of the credit union is accurately and fairly presented in the credit union's financial statements, ensuring that management practices and procedures are sufficient to safeguard credit union members' assets, and assisting the board of directors in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities for the system of internal control and risk management, the audit process, and the company's process for monitoring compliance with laws and regulations, board polices, management policies and the company's Code of Conduct.

In order to meet these responsibilities, the committee employs an independent accounting firm to perform an annual audit of the financial statements and verify the accuracy of members' account statements.

We also have an internal audit department, which reports directly to the committee. Their primary duties are to review and audit the system of internal controls, review compliance with laws, regulations and policies, and to provide reasonable assurance that risks are appropriately managed at the credit union. They also assist the committee in researching and investigating member complaints.

In summary, the Supervisory Committee works for your best interests as a member/owner of Sharonview Federal Credit Union. We strongly recommend contacting our team to resolve any issues with your account. However, once you have exhausted this option, you may contact the Committee by mailing a letter to the following address:

Sharonview Federal Credit Union

Supervisory Committee - P.O. Box 505, Fort Mill SC 29716

This P.O. Box is for correspondence ONLY. Do NOT send loan payments, insurance policies, or regular communications.


Previous Annual Reports & Statements

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